November 11, 2009

If You Want More Money from Google Adsense - Follow 5 Simple Tips

If you want to improve your Adsense earnings from Google that possibly as your side or main income from the internet, bellow 5 tips that can possibly help you out.. There a lot of tips and direction that may possible work for you. But these 5 ways to increase Google Adsense earning is highly recommended if you want to maintain running your online business by making money through Google Adsense. There are things to consider in optimizing your Google earning.

1. Consider Lay Out of Page
You can simplify the template. Always be in mind that the purpose of your site is Google Adsense business. So, the strongest element is page layout, which has one column, which is as wide as the window of your browser.
Most web surfers start to observe your online business opportunity page from upper left side and go then downwards and to the right. This fact places your AdSense into the upper left corner, just under the headline, of your page. Another must place is at the footer of the page, just under the last text. It is a natural place to give a reader some nice extra information in the form of an ad.

2. Mix Your Ads and Page Content.
When you do the combination, remember that ads are ads and the content is the content. You can never give a picture, that the ads are something else, than what they are, ads. But you can mix together the ads in a natural way, because for the reader they offer useful information.
If your Adsense online business opportunity has a white background, also your ads must have a white one and if your text is in black, the description and domain of the ads should use black colour as well. The same colour and font usage makes the ads look as a part of the content. So the ads must be inside a text and on the best locations.

3. Write Topical Page Related Ads
It is your job to accomplish Google to get complete information about the topic of your page, otherwise the ads will be off the topic and that lowers significantly the CTR. First, you must have one topic for a page, not more. When you have used long keyword, build the on page SEO correctly.

4. Shorter Page the Better
The goal of the web page is to make the visitors to click the AdSense ads, not to read or examine other elements of the content. This requires that you keep the ads in front of the eyes of the visitors as long as possible.
A very realistic tip is that the visitor has to move downwards only once, when he reads the content. This means that he has all the time the online business opportunity ad in front of his eyes. If your article or text is longer, just share it into two pages, by adding a read more text in the bottom.

5. Avoid Use Outbound Links
The reason is simple. You do not want that the visitor leave your Adsense business opportunity page. That would be silly, because the goal was to keep the visitor on the page and reliance on the power of AdSense ads, so that he clicks the ad.

As you see, these rules are very common sense system. And they are simple ones. That is the sign that they will work, because the simple solutions work best. If your CTR is lower than one third, i.e. 1 visitor out of 3 will click; it is apparent, that some of these points are not effective with your site.

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