In addition the blog must have high traffic, Google Adsense business will succeed if the ads get lot of clicks from your site visitors. I am writing this article with assumption that you already have Google Adsense account. If you don’t have one and want to make money, please sign up here to enable immediately make money online through Adsense - the easiest way to make money online.
As I read some articles related to Adsense business - the largest and credible contextual Ad right now – how to get more clicks to increase the earnings there many tricks and methods. The key is how you make adjustments and make a blend combination of ads and your site or blog pages. In other words, Google Adsense should be part of the overall business in your site.
Have you ever thought that you visitors come to your blog or website for your Adsense? Surely not? Most of them come to your blog seeking information provided through the content but it could be the option they get information from Google Adsense on your page. The strategy is how you kick the ball and make it into goals!
So you should pay attention on ad formats and the placement on site page. I would prefer placing them around the post body because when people read the article and found interesting stuffs, they probably want to view and click the ad.
Many people said using Adsense default setting is better, but I am not quite agree. In fact, you still need to adjust the color setting format; ad formats but just do not alter the code. With such efforts, to get more clicks on your Google Adsense is very much possible and of course the dollar pieces will continue to grow from your google adsense earning.
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