November 1, 2009

Adsense Tips: Get More Clicks, Increase Your Adsense Earning

This time I want to share tips for best results of Adsense earning, and how would Adsense optimize on your blog so that it gets more click?

1. Adsense Ads position. Placing ads on harder and side bar is very common. It less advantage to get click and some time the visitor avoid clicking the ads, the worst thing is when you place ads on the or below navigation bar. To me it better uses Adsense link 120x180 places on the side bar as replacement for header navigation bar. If you want to use ads 720x90 ads unit, my suggestion could be put on under footer section. To get most clicks, Adsense ideally should be put within the post. The reason is because when visitor reading post, it will definitely found the ads and if the ads relevant to what they read they will continue clik the ads as additional reference.

2. Blending techniques on your Adsense and match with your blog theme. To further ease, choose blog template that has plain color. If the theme of your blog's background is white, then use white as your background Adsense. If the theme of 'title' in your blog is dark blue, then use the same color for your Adsense title. This will make Adsense seems to have part of blog.

3. Content. Use only the format Adsense "Adsense for content" "text ads only". Avoid horizontal format (Leader board, banners & banner half) and vertical (Skyscraper, wide skyscraper banner & vertical). Only use the Square, the most impressive is the large rectangle. Does not need a lot of ads, 2 block is enough (Adsense justify maximum 3 blocks). This is to deflect too many ads, and perhaps many ads look cheap.

4. Blog Template or website. Blog or website you should look interesting. Choose a template pack, not too simple or too dense. Your blog should have ads pictures or images that attract attention. Image is easier to make eye catching then word letter. I use all the techniques above to each blog or website and my Adsense provide results that are exiting and challenging.

By implement all techniques over the more creative so that you get more successful for best results on your Adsense earning.

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