To create a blog, of course you need some money to purchase domain name, web hosting, maintenance and resource and development. But if you are beginner, and have no enough budgets to start business blog, you always can start your business blog with free blogging flat form, providing free domain and hosting, BlogSpot from rather than spending more but you have no sure with the system work. Otherwise you will lose your money!
What can you do with BlogSpot blog? This free domain blog is owned and managed by Google, a Giant Internet Company. You can make money with Google AdSense, one of the contextual programs from Google. So I think, this the great combination and good partnership between blogger and Google use free blog and in the same time able to make money from blog.
The common reason that BlogSpot is convenience, especially for the beginners who want to make money online with limited knowledge about IT, and Coding, as BlogSpot provides easiness in editing, web maintenance therefore almost everyone can perform blogging and make money with BlogSpot dot com. Compare to free blogs like Wordpress, BlogSpot is much easier to maintain even though sometime, honestly far behind from good in term of layout or design as professional blog. But again, it's just free blog which actually you can potentially make huge money without spending more.
2 comments: on "Make Money from Google AdSense with Free BlogSpot Blog."
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