Blogger Money Maker does not sell anything on this blog; either selling a products or services. The blog is money maker that selling content which needs to be regularly updated. Because the content - in this case writing is the main product, then it would be better if I could continue writing on this blog for money income source.
Writing is required in running a text-based blogs. Even though just simple writing ideas, sometimes you may face any difficulties. The most common problem is the difficulty of choosing a subject when you want to create a new post.
If you run a personal blog, you will see the numbers of categories on your blog. Usually there are several categories such businesses, lifestyle, personal, blogging tips, culinary, networking and so forth. Base on blog category it can actually help you cracking the hitch of straightforward writing ideas.
In the beginning, I was a bit difficult to determine the topics I wanted write a new post but when I try to practice and it was very helpful. I manage to create a new post not later than 2 days with different subject.
This is my daily writing schedule that I try to practice [the schedule is apply for those – including myself - who have limited skill and technique in writing].
Monday - writing a business topic
Tuesday - writes about lifestyle
Wednesday - write about affiliate program
Thursday - write about PPC advertising
Friday - writing about networking
Saturday - writes about Google adsense
Sunday - holiday break
With this timetable hopefully you could write out the scope of thought [it's hard to write a post because too much thinking] so you can focus more on the categories that have been scheduled every day. You know that if you write more content will be added blog credibility. So there is no other way, if you want to continue to make money from blogs, the key is to write.
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