What is the key of success to make money online from blogs? The answer is certainly "blog with high traffic". As increasing blog is the next step after creating a blog [monetized or fun blog], then to complete my graffiti on building traffic under traffic building category, its still fun to discuss about it as the importance of traffic for a blog as well as water for plants. Just imagine, how the plants [all creature] can live without water?
Like my previous post, I have already discussed how to dominate the content of all ways of increasing traffic blog. Focus on a particular topic - so petrified your blog easily found either by reader or via search engine. It seemed, general topics such as the journal of life a bit difficult to get a lot of traffic - unless the blogger is already popular like celebrities, politicians, great leaders etc.
Writing by using keywords that are relevant to the blog topic and post them every day as updating effort is the most preferred by search engines [search engines do not want spoiled stuff huh.]. They wanted original and genuine content - not the imitation or fake or just copy and paste. According to sources, keywords used in an article that said to 400 the number of syllables can be used repeatedly for about 8 times new index can be by the Google Search engine.
Writing by using the phrases or keywords is often referred to as SEO writing style. Writing SEO style is a fusion writing an article by using certain words. Your blog can appear on search engines if searcher uses keywords that you use for the content. Choosing keywords is not limited to free and unlimited as methods improve blog traffic, whether blogs are created to popularity and pleasure or blogs that are used to make money online from the internet.
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