In order to make your online business - make money from blog runs effectively, then the crucial things you need to be done before it really happened is building traffic which is the most difficult jobs in every blogging steps.
Maybe you feel bored when you found the word called quality content. Most of the blogger claim that content is the source of the most effective traffic. Content is the main product of a blog. Even blog with a low quality content doesn’t sell anything.
Look, how many millions of blogger talking about the same "quality content". I'm sure, each of us make every effort possible to create the best content to obtain attention of blog readers.
Then what kind of content can bring in traffic?
From some of what I've read about bloggers who are successful in making money online through their website or blog is about the blog that have interesting content, informative and gives solutions. Theme of content varies a great deal. They can vary depending on the author expertise in delivering the message.
Is it quite simply with just a quality content to bring in traffic?
You are “KNOWN" because you are "SEEN". How to make you visible? You need introduce yourself with others. From the expression is clear that having quality content is not enough. You still need to do some advertising efforts such as blog walking [for those who have plenty of time], leaving comments on blog of others, socializing on Facebook, submit a URL to Digg, twitter, blog directories and so on.
Apart from that I mentioned above, traffic can also be obtained from the search engine where you need to learn techniques of how to write an article-style SEO [Search Engine Optimization] to complement the efforts bring in traffic.
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